Book Recommendations
PME Portal
Putin at War (seriously, check this out!)
Don’t mistake these links for being unimportant; they just fall outside of broad categories.
Brendan McBreen’s Fantastic Site
Caltopo: Make Maps!
Academia Scholarly articles on war and warfare.
Military Maps MGRS! Operational Graphics!
War Remains by Dan Carlin
Kriegsspiel: Kriegsspiel, the 19th Century military training system and other map related, umpire moderated wargames
National / Strategy
Websites devoted to national military issues, strategy, or broad topics.
D.O.D. Affiliated
Official or semi-official websites to DOD organizations.
The Warrom by the US Army War College
Posterity Press The publisher of The Last 100 Yards by HJ Poole!
Organizations and Associations
Company Command (Twitter)
Association of Marine Corps Logisticians (Facebook)
0369 Infantry Unit Leader (Facebook)